Applying Rates Retroactively

Labor rates in an estimate of record cannot be changed. However, labor rates can be changed in a preliminary supplement after an estimate has been locked. Labor rate changes in the preliminary supplement are applied to all lines in the current estimate. The revised amount is displayed in the preliminary supplement.

When performing this function, you may consider adding a note to the workfile that explains the reason for the labor rate change.

To apply rates retroactively- method 1

  1. Open the workfile, and then create a supplement from the Estimate tab > Lines tab.
  2. Select the Rates tab.
  3. Change the rate in the Current $ column for the labor charge category.
  4. Select Apply Rates Retroactively in the toolbar.
  5. Click OK from the confirmation pop-up.
  6. Select Save or Save and Close from the toolbar.

To apply rates retroactively- method 2

  1. Open the workfile, and then create a supplement from the Estimate tab > Lines tab.
  2. Select the Update Rates and Rules button on the toolbar. The Update Rates and Rules dialog box opens.
  3. Select the profile from the list.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select the Apply labor rates retroactively option.
  6. Click Yes to overwrite the existing rates in the preliminary supplement. The new rates and rules are applied to the workfile.
  7. Select Save or Save and Close.

Note: The message Estimate Rates were changed. Use estimate notes to document the reason(s) for this change is displayed when you update rates.


Workfile - Rates Tab







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